Financial Transparency 财务管理

As a registered 501(C)3 non-profit organization accredited by Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), Agape Way is committed to complete financial transparency and disclosure. We take your donations and support very seriously, so we feel it is important to keep you informed about our organization’s operations.

Agape Way donations are divided into two funds according to donor’s intentions: The Mercy Fund and the General Fund.

The Mercy Fund is used for specific school projects, sponsorships, as well as earthquake and flood relief. All contributions made to the Mercy Fund are solely for that purpose. 

The General Fund goes towards all parts of the Agape Way ministry including projects such as evangelism, gospel mission, fellowship and church planting, missionary living and general operational costs.

圣爱路是一个在美国注册的基督教非政治、非宗派、非营利性501(C)3 机构.  作为被美国福音财务责任委员会 (ECFA), 圣爱路注重全面的财务公开透明。根据捐款者的意愿,给圣爱路的捐款分成慈善基金和通用基金两个部分:

慈善基金 专用于助学项目、认养金、以及地震和洪水救援等。所有指定给慈善和助学的捐款都归入慈善基金,100%用于慈善项目。
通用基金 用于所有博爱路事工项目,除了慈善事工项目之外,也包括福音事工项目、福音材料和工人培训,宣教士生活费,以及博愛路的一般性运作费用,等等。